Sunday, August 21, 2011

Double dirt Sunday!

8-21-11: Gorgeous day for a mtn. bike ride! Had Bill and his son show up early for the 6:30 AM ride. You can see him in the pixs there. He did great!!!

Then we had an 8:00 AM group show up so Roxy and I got to go again! Tina did a great job compared to her first mtn. bike TCF ride a couple of Sundays ago.

Here are some pixs!


  1. I'm not big on Hulda Crooks, except Jedi Run. Have you considered Oakmont a new park/trail here in Redlands and Crafton has some new trails that makes getting up to the firwroad real easy?
    Sean Baldwin. (Mr. GOM).

  2. Hi Sean,

    Thx for your comments. I haven't seen Oakmont or the new trails at Crafton--should check them out sometime.

    Having brought quite a few NEWBIES mountain biking up at Hulda Crooks Park trails, I have yet of find a set of trails that is easy enough for such beginners. Too often, I have heard horror stories of newbies say their well-meaning mtn. biking friends brought them on "easy" trails, only to find the experience horrendously difficult and a big turn-off.

    The goal of Team CycleFit is to foster a love for cycling--both on the road and mtn. biking. That's why we ride on the Santa Ana River Trail and Hulda Crooks Park trails, because I have personally experience NEWBIES have a very POSITIVE experience riding on these trails.

    Until I find other trails that NEWBIES (not riders like you and mean) find doable and interesting, I'll stick with what I know works for NEWBIES, since that is the mission of Team CycleFit. ;-)

    Thx for your comment, Mr. GOM! ;-)


  3. I actually knew why you were doing the newbie ride at Hulda. Maybe you should go with me on a few. The only thing that worries me on Oakmont and Crafton are minor switchbacks. You'll need to see them for yourself as you would know the abilities of your riders.
    Gomez and I were thinking of one of you SART rides so we can take the lu'l ones in a trailer.

  4. LoL! IDK who Gomez is. I meant GOM. Stupid done!
